Game of Thrones is a world renowned series that has captured fans all over the world. They have action figures and even games made out of the series. The popular TV series has even influenced the Chinese market which led to a Chinese mobile game developer, Youzu Interactive to be working with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment to develop a new Game of Thrones strategy mobile game.
The game will be catered to the Chinese market as it was announced at the ChinaJoy 2017. It was mentioned that the game will be based on Turbine’s upcoming Game of Thrones: Conquest, which is scheduled to be out in the West later this year. However Youzu’s GoT mobile game will involve HBO’s GoT team to provide gamers with the best experience possible.
Currently there are no other information on when is the expected release of the game. Players can also pre-register on their official page to get the latest news, however it is in Chinese.While you’re at it, you can also check out other GoT games that is on Android right now; Game of Thrones Ascent by Disruptor Beam and Game of Thrones by Telltale Games.