Cookie Run Kingdom has dropped its new Halloween event, with new costumes and an overly generous amount of crystals and other goods, the main talking point is the new playable cookie, the elusive Pumpkin Pie Cookie.
With a new Cookie out of the oven, many are asking, is she any good? What toppings would be best for her and what team would be complemented by her presence?
If you’re interested in Cookie Run Kingdom, check out our other Cooke Run Kingdom character guides:
- Cotton Cookie
- Cocoa Cookie
- Eclair Cookie
- Affogato Cookie
- Caramel Arrow Cookie
- Cherry Blossom Cookie
- Wildberry Cookie
- Crunchy Chip Cookie
- Oyster Cookie
- Financier Cookie
- Cream Unicorn Cookie
- Captain Caviar Cookie
- Carol Cookie
- Sherbet Cookie
- Space Donut
How Good is Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Pumpkin Pie Cookie is a magic type cookie that how usually stands in the mid-row for attacks. Like most magic cookies, she is very much oriented towards DPS.
Her skill is called ‘Pompon Help!’ in which her doll Pompon turns into a giant pumpkin monster, sending a blast of energy among emergence to push enemies back before attacking the front of the charge.
The skill’s states are:
- Summons Pompon with 54.7% Atk, 188.0% DEF, £82.3% HP
- Healing received: -70.0% for 3.0 sec
- Pompon’s strike attack DMG: 170.0%
- ATK SPD: +45.0% while Pompon is active
Pompon is very strong and durable. Its melee damage will attack up to three enemies at a time, and apply a non-stackable debuff by decreasing any healing the enemies receive. It increases the attack speed of allies and It’s more resistant to interrupting effects like being stunned or confused. Furthermore, Pompon stats in the field for quite a long time to the point that when it eventually disappears, Pumpkin Pie’s cooldown is usually almost complete and she can summon them all over again.
Personally, I found her attack power near broken. Despite her being under-leveled she was still able to keep up with the rest of my team for the most part and the damage from Pompon was devastating.
The downside of all of this is that without Pompon, Pumpkin Pie Cookie is pretty fragile and can easily be taken out if enemies are able to break through the front row. This makes her a bit of a glass cannon, high attack, and low defense.
I found that Pumpkin Pie was at her best in PvE. The wide coverage of Pompon really helped with keeping enemies in check and away from your units.
While she can still be good in PvP, she will be vulnerable to ambush cookies like Sorbet Shark or Black Raisin whose ability can get them past the front row.
The Best Toppings
For such a glass cannon cookie, I would use either searing raspberry (attack buff) or solid almond (Damage Resist). Some may also prefer swift chocolate (cooldown) in order to get her skill back up for use again.
Personally, I did a mix of two raspberries and three almonds. I wanted her to be a bit stronger offensively while still being able to last longer if she gets attacked until a healer can get to her.
Buffing her attack can help her lay waste the enemies faster however with her low defense, upping her damage resistance can allow her to last longer when attacked.
Team Composition
Finally terms of who Pumpkin Pie plays well with, one of the more popular teams with her currently is with the other summoner of the game, Licorice Cookie. Between his three minions and her doll, these summonable attackers create an almost fourth row in front of your cookie army to attack and defend from enemies while others finish their cool down.
Both characters suffer from being squishy wizards though so having a strong defender at the front like Strawberry Crepe Cookie or Hollyberry Cookie would also benefit the team.
Who is Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Pumpkin Pie is a cookie obsessed with her doll Pompon, Halloween, and masquerades. Very fitting for the spooky season. Here’s her bio:
“It’s Halloween, a time of spooky fun for all ghosts and cookies. And amidst the jack o’ lanterns adorning the streets, stands Pumpkin Pie Cookie watching others dressed up in their costumes. Perhaps it’s because she was made of a pumpkin that grew in the shade of an abandoned house, untouched by the sun, but she seems… distant, even though she has a smile on her face. One might try to escape this cookie uncanny presence, but there is something eerily captivating in the way she slowly bats her eyelashes… Pumpkin Pie Cookie’s favorite things on Earthbread are her fluffy poofy dress that resembles a pumpkin and the old tattered doll she always carries around. This cookie will hold your hand and drag you to play with her whenever there’s an exciting festival. Surprisingly, no one has ever said no. You can only wonder if it is because of Pumpkin Pie Cookie’s doll that looks almost alive or the giant wavering shadow behind her.”
Regardless of what you do with her, Pumpkin Pie Cookie seems like a fine addition to Cookie Run Kingdom. Happy Halloween!!
Cookie Run Kingdom is available for mobile devices.