Doom Eternal is dropping its free 6.66 update today, which adds its all-new Horde Mode to the game for the better killing of demons.
This update is available now for all versions of Doom Eternal except for the Switch version.
The horde mode exists independently of the game’s story, with its own progression system- you’ll start off with all perks and runes unlocked, as well as a fully upgraded Combat Shotgun.
As you rip and tear you’ll also get additional weapons, as you fight through three challenge-packed levels for the best score among all the other slayers.
You’ll be able to improve your score by playing at higher difficulty levels, as well as various side-objectives such as killing special bounty demons, as well as modifiers like avoiding power weapons.
Of course, like most challenges in Doom Eternal, there’ll also be special cosmetics tied to the horde mode, including a Doom II skin for your Slayer.
This isn’t too unlike Doom 2016’s Arcade mode, which let you replay levels to get higher scores to compete with your friends.
Aside from the Horde Mode, this update sees more changes to Doom Eternal such as updates to Battlemode, which include a new playable demon.
They’ll also be implementing a new streak-based matchmaking system- so players really feeling it will be able to go head to head against each other in Doom Eternal’s 2v1 mode.
There’s also new Master Levels, the Mars Core and World Spear, for slayers to enjoy. Note that while Mars Core will be available for everyone, World Spear is only for those who’ve purchased The Ancient Gods Part Two expansion for the game.