The 3rd anniversary of Dragalia Lost is coming right up! The pre-celebration log in bonus is already underway, so you can collect some more goodies before the full brunt of festivities begin.
The summary of the anniversary Dragalia Digest is as follows:
- 26 September 2021 23:00 PT – 3 November 2021, 22:59 PT
- Daily Free Tenfold Summons
- 3 November 2021, 23:00 PT – 4 November 2021, 22:59 PT
- 100-Summon Spectacular
- 26 September 2021 23:00 PT – 3 November 2021, 22:59 PT
- Dragalia Scratch-a-Thon
- 26 September 2021 23:00 PT – 17 October 2021, 22:59 PT
- Gala Dragalia Platinum Showcase (maximum 5 times)
- 26 September 2021 23:00 PT – 29 September 2021, 22:59 PT
- Gala Dragalia, featuring Shadow Blade Gala Zethia and Shadow Gala Bahamut
- 26 September 2021 23:00 PT – 12 October 2021, 22:59 PT
- 3rd Anniversary Bonus Part 1
- Day 1: 5★ Wyrmprint: Third Anniversary! × 1
- Day 2: Wyrmite × 1,500
- Day 3: Mini Jupi × 1
- Day 4: Rupie × 30,000,000
- Day 5: Omnicite × 1
- Day 6: Blessed Ethon Ashes × 30
- Day 7: Talonstone × 300
- Day 8: Champion’s Testament × 3
- Day 9: Eldwater × 100,000
- Day 10: Damascus Ingot × 1
- 3rd Anniversary Bonus Part 1
- 12 October 2021 23:00 PT – 27 October 2021, 22:59 PT
- 3rd Anniversary Bonus Part 2
- Day 1: Champion’s Testament × 3
- Day 2: Wyrmite × 1,500
- Day 3: Rupie × 30,000,000
- Day 4: Omnicite × 1
- Day 5: Exquisite Honey × 30
- Day 6: Rainbow Orb × 30
- Day 7: Orichalcum × 30
- Day 8: Fortifying Dragonscale × 30
- Day 9: Amplifying Dragonscale × 30
- Day 10: Sunlight Stone × 1
- 3rd Anniversary Bonus Part 2
- 26 September 2021 23:00 PT – 12 October 2021, 22:59 PT
- Faith Forsaken Part 1
- Harle becomes playable
- 12 September 2021 23:00 PT – 25 October 2021, 22:59 PT
- Faith Forsaken Part 2
- Future features
- Actual 16 player raids, each person controlling one Adventurer
- Some 5-star dragons get 5th unbind
- Omnicite fully levels up and unlocks all mana nodes of an Adventurer
- Item drop rate adjusted
- Future playable characters
- Uriel, Michael, Izumo, alternate Pia
- Kaleidoscape (Winter 2021)
- a la Rogue-lite
- Stories continue monthly update schedule
- 3rd Anniversary stickers
- Co-op Social Reward reset
To celebrate the special 3rd anniversary Dragalia Digest, all Dragalia Lost players also receive 1 x Tenfold-Summon Voucher and 100,000,000 Rupies.