Dragon Quest Treasures is a new spin off in the franchise, featuring 11‘s Erik and Mia – as children! – as the main characters, as announced at the Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary Special. Dragon Quest Treasures will be an RPG, though not in the “traditional” sense. The themes for this game are focusing on “Erik and Mia’s childhood”, and “treasure hunting”. Platforms or release date have not been decided at this juncture, but they will be looking for a simultaneous worldwide release.
The teaser shows a bunch of platforming and aforementioned treasure hunting. Due to its description, fans have already begun assuming this would be a new form of Dragon Quest Monsters, where you do not partake in traditional turn-based battles but instead capture monsters to train and fight for you. You can breed these monsters as well, so you could draw comparisons to the ever ubiquitous Pokemon series.
The last title in this vein was Terry’s Wonderland Retro, released in 2019 for the Nintendo Switch in Japan, later being made available on mobile devices in the country. We’ll have to stay tuned for further information, of course. Happy anniversary to Dragon Quest, and here’s to many more years of those dang cultural references.