A certain rumour has been circulating about FFVIIR to receive an anime in conjunction with Netflix. Credited to a source within the marketing department of Square Enix America, they claim that the project will be directed by Tetsuya Nomura, covering events that precede the game for its first section, with the second to be dedicated to events occurring simultaneously during the game, and perhaps something for the future.
That sounds good and all, but the only apparent source is through a 4chan board, and rumours should be taken with a grain of salt regardless. An anime for FFVIIR is certainly not a stretch, of course, and with Netflix being one of the names billed to also stream the FFXIV live action, it is within the realm of plausibility. Speaking of which, the source says the FFXIV show is in the final stages of production.
Interestingly, a Kingdom Hearts anime is allegedly also in the works, which Tetsuya Nomura is also named as director. Supposedly made entirely in CG, the “shorter but more complex” anime will include events across the game franchise, including from Union X, Birth by Sleep and 3. Due to the properties involved, this anime is speculated to be hosted on Disney+.
Once again, the information should be looked at with healthy skepticism until there are official announcements.