Daemon X Machina, the spiritual successor to the Armored Core series, is adding cross-saves between its Nintendo Switch and PC versions.
According to publisher XSeed Games, the game will use the Steam Cloud to “seamlessly” transfer progress between the game’s two platforms.
It’s currently unknown how this will resolve for those who’d already had separate save files on the two platforms, though hopefully players will have a means to select which save file moves over.
This latest feature addition follows the release of the free anniversary update for the stylish mech action game. The anniversary update added a trove of new content for players, including cosmetic Arsenal designs, Arsenal decals, preview screen backgrounds, plugsuits, the “Destroy Eclipse RT: Ω Destruction” co-op Order, and more.
The new Order pits players against the powerful Immortal Eclipse Ω, and defeating this fearsome enemy can reward players with the Mia Lepida weapon, which is based on the sword wielded by developer Marvelous First Studio’s mascot.
Daemon X Machina was originally released exclusively on the Nintendo Switch in September of 2019. While the game has kept a relatively low profile, it’s received a lot of post-launch content, including skins for the game’s mech pilots based on The Witcher 3 as well as Code Geass, among others.
The game also received a PC port earlier this year, despite originally being marketed as a Nintendo Switch exclusive. Now, a year on from its initial release, the Daemon X Machina cross-saves update puts it on a quickly growing list of games to embrace the feature.