Ahead of the next version update, Genshin Impact has released a new Developers Discussion before 1.2 hits, which you can check out here. Leaks have seemingly confirmed that Ganyu and Albedo will be available for the update, as well as a new Dragonspine Mountain region, presumably with an associated quest in the vein of Unreconciled Stars. In any case, here are the quick hits to come:
- A chat function will be available to message your friends through the Friends screen or a shortcut button
- If your friend is offline, they will receive the message the next time they log in
- You’ll be able to select a friend’s avatar and add a name to them in a note
- For those who have friends who often change their nicknames. The note will only show up for you
- Trackable pins for Custom Pins are in the works
- Only one pin can be tracked at a time
- Repeatable domains from inside the domain will be available in 1.2
- Domain and Ley Line Outcrop rewards will be added straight to your inventory
- Auto play dialogue to automatically progress to the next line once the current audio line is done
- Will pause when dialogue options appear then continue to auto-play
- BP screen animation skip will also be available
- Travel Log added to archive to re-read and play back dialogue from completed quests
- Freely leave co-op without interrupting the battle for other players
- Host can also disband Co-Op teams by returning to Single Player Mode
- 1 Acquaint Fate will be given out for ascending characters at level 20, 50 and 70
- Claim rewards from previously ascended characters from the Ascension Materials Preview screen
There’ll be more info to come of course, so stay tuned to the Genshin portals and chew over this discussion post before 1.2 hits.