The next expansion for Destiny 2 has been revealed by Bungie, in Beyond Light, arriving 23 September 2020. The next season of Destiny 2 has also been unveiled, in Season of Arrivals, launching today. Both the Season and the expansion has been crafted for Destiny 2‘s single evolving world, revealing mysteries, new powers and the menace of the Pyramid ships to be explored.
For months, the mysterious Pyramid ships have been making their way to our solar system, their purpose unknown but their menace clear. In Season of Arrivals, the moon of Io will see the arrival of the first Pyramid ship, setting off a chain of events that will unfold throughout the Season, into the Beyond Light expansion, and beyond.
Destiny 2 will also be available on Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X, with Xbox One purchases of Destiny 2: Beyond Light transferring to Xbox Series X via Smart Delivery for free. Playstation 4 purchases will also be upgraded to Playstation 5 for free. Full details will be available in the coming months regarding the next generation consoles.
A new power is born out of the ancient Pyramid ship above Europa, and a dark empire has risen beneath. In the Destiny 2: Beyond Light expansion, Guardians will explore a changed universe, with a new destination, new adventures, and even new powers to explore.
Explore Europa
In Beyond Light, Guardians will be called to a new destination: Jupiter’s frozen moon of Europa. Brave the unrelenting glacial frontier, infiltrate the Golden Age Braytech facility, and uncover the secrets that lie deep under the ancient ice.Wield the Darkness
As a new threat emerges, so too does a mysterious new power – Stasis. Rooted in Darkness, Guardians will wield this new elemental power alongside Arc, Solar, and Void to summon epic supers and control the battlefield. Titans, Warlocks and Hunters will each use Stasis in a different way. More details on Stasis to come later this summer.A New Raid
Below the frozen tundra of Europa lies the Deep Stone Crypt. For decades it has remained dormant. Guardians will test their skill and teamwork in this brand new six-person raid, where glorious rewards await.The Rise of Eramis
The splintered houses of the Fallen have rallied and built their new empire on Europa, united under the banner of the Fallen Kell of Darkness, Eramis. Abandoned by the Traveler and left by the Light, Eramis is on her own journey into the Darkness, and towards a collision course with Guardians.Players can pre-order Destiny 2: Beyond Light now to get instant access to a special Exotic Ghost Shell, Legendary Emblem, and bonus items! Digital Deluxe owners also receive instant access to the new Exotic Freeze Tag emote. Pre-orders for Destiny 2: Beyond Light are available now on Steam, Stadia, Xbox One, and will be available soon on the PlayStation Store.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light Digital Deluxe Edition
The Destiny 2: Beyond Light Digital Deluxe Edition will be available to pre-order on all platforms:
- Destiny 2: Beyond Light Expansion + Full Year of Seasonal Content (4 Seasons Total)
- With pre-order: Exotic Rimed Ghost Shell and Legendary Emblem
- Freeze Tag Exotic Emote
- No Time to Explain Exotic Pulse Rifle with Exotic Catalyst and Ornament
- Any Other Sky Exotic Sparrow
Destiny 2: Beyond Light Collector’s Edition
The Destiny 2: Beyond Light Collector’s Edition will only be available from the Bungie Store:
- Beyond Light Digital Deluxe Edition (digital code only)
- Die-Cast Splinter of Darkness Replica with lights
- Europa Explorer’s Bag
- Europa Exploration Canteen
- Mysterious Logbook
- Plus other discoveries from Europa
The Stranger Edition will also be available with an exclusive 10″ statue of The Stranger, sold with the Deluxe Edition at select retailers.
A dark omen enters the system and a signal howls through the emptiness of space. In the shadow of the mysterious Pyramid ship, Guardians must search for answers. The ongoing narrative in Destiny’s evolving universe continues with the launch of the eleventh Season: Season of Arrivals.
Starting today, players can embark on new activities to enjoy, discover new gear to pursue, and experience a new chapter in the Destiny 2 universe.
- New Dungeon: Later on today, Guardians will be challenged with a new dungeon, Prophecy, available to all Destiny 2 players. Face the mystery and unlock the new DAITO Foundry armour and reprised Trials of the Nine armour sets.
- Decipher the Darkness: Throughout the Season, Messages of Darkness will be found on Io. Journey to the Cradle on Io and uncover these hidden communications.
- Contact Public Event: Join Guardians in public events beneath the newly arrived Pyramid ship on Io, where an untapped power has summoned the enemies of humanity.
- New Rewards: By Focusing new engrams in Season of Arrivals, players can choose their rewards. The new engram Focusing system introduces the ability (once earned) for players to fine-tune their rewards.
- New Gear: Amazing new weapons await as players prepare to fend off the latest threat to humanity. Season Pass owners will instantly unlock the new Witherhoard Exotic Grenade Launcher and Seasonal armour set.
Destiny 2 is free to play and includes many of the new features being launched with Season of Arrivals. Season Pass holders have access to all activities with additional premium rewards and instant unlocks:
- New weekly mission
- New Exotic weapon quest
- Instantly unlocked Exotic Grenade Launcher
- Instantly unlocked Season armour sets for each class
- Bonus XP and more