Action Taimanin is a smartphone game adaptation of the Taimanin Asagi series, out now in Japan. The source material is an ecchi/hentai, supernatural visual novel with demons, shinobi and what have you. The game itself will not have anything overtly risque, but as you might be able to tell from the costume designs, it’s still fairly sexy.
The game focuses more on the action, with quite decent production value. The game currently has the three playable characters: Igawa Asagi, Igawa Sakura and Mizuki Yukikaze. Going by the official website, the girls will have costumes and colour palettes at some point. The website’s FAQ at time of writing is not up, so whether new playable characters are commonly requested, it’s not known yet.
The gacha will have costumes, weapons and support characters. The girls themselves have their various combos and special abilities. The game is said to be designed as a “real game” first, hence the absence of H-scenes and the polished action gameplay.
Whatever you think of the focus on the polished action, the game is nevertheless still fanservicey in its own right, with physics playing havoc on the heroines’ chests. You seem to be able to interact with the heroines at base too, to increase bonds and such.
As it were, the original, uncut visual novel was supposed to be available on Steam, but was later removed. Well, you can opt with Action Taimanin on mobile, out for Japan.