A fan-made Digimon World Remake is currently in development. Based on the 1999 Playstation hit Digimon World, the fan remake runs on Unreal Engine 4.
Digimon World launched on the Playstation in 1999. The game revolves around the player raising a Digimon from an egg and fighting other Digimon. The player’s Digimon “fades away” with age and they will have to start the process again from egg level. Despite not faring well with reviews and criticism, it went on to spawn more sequels and spin-offs since then.
Youtube’s Digicore handles the development of the remake. At the moment, Digicore has managed to create a world large enough to travel around. Players can have a Digimon and interact with other Digimon as well. This includes fighting other Digimons. In a manner of speaking, the game is in a playable state but improvements still need to be made. Currently, the combat feels sluggish and slow. The hit reactions and attack animation still require a lot of work.
Despite its flaws, Digicore deserves some credit. As with most fan remakes, the development tends to be handled by one person or a very small group. Furthermore, fan remakes normally do not get finished or released. Remaking a game as a fan is no simple task and Digicore should be applauded for the amount of effort that was put into the current game.
For more updates on the progress of Digimon World Remake, you can check out Digicore’s Youtube channel.