Gigant Shock, a game made with Unity that was first announced by Nexon back in 2017 where they also announced their investment on Carbon Eyed, led by former Eyedentity Games CEO, Eunsang Lee, had finally announced the official launch date for the upcoming said game. It was announced on their official Twitter that the game will be launching on the 25th July, 2018.
If you don’t know, Gigant Shock is a monster hunting RPG that focuses on real-time combat. Players can fight the epic boss co-op with other players to take down gigantic bosses. The characters will be constantly running around the boss and will attack the boss in turns. Players can select the where to attack and hit onto a weakness point to deal more damage. If you’re not into co-op, players can follow the solo story campaign as well. As seen in the trailer below, there’s also a rank-up system on buildings which will unlock more features and upgrades for your characters.
There are 3 classes available – Attacker, Assistor and Protector. So players will need to form a strategically balanced team to defeat the bosses or risk getting wiped. Players will play it on potrait mode which makes playing the game easy with just a single hand – unless you need to hit the critical spots of the boss. Also avoiding the bosses attacks are crucial and made easy. There will be a yellow box indicating where the boss will attack, so players will need to change the direction of the character’s run path from left to right or vice versa.
Back in 2017 when Gigant Shock was revealed, they had also revealed 2 other games which are Knights Fall and Tiny Fall. Knights Fall was released for both iOS and Android in 2017 but Tiny Fall had no news which we assume has been swept under the carpet. Gigant Shock will be released in South Korea first but there’s no news if the game will have an English version to be released globally. If you are interested, you can check out their official site and pre-register as well!