Dynasty Warriors: Unleashed is the final title that was shown on G-Star 2016. The game was previously known as Project Dynasty Warriors in Nexon’s G-Star 2016 Preview. Dynasty Warriors: Unleased is a game based on its latest DW series, Dynasty Warriors 8. During the G-Star 2016, the game offered a hands-on demo where we get to see the gameplay of the game first hand. You can also check out our previous written article on Dynasty Warriors: Unleashed here. Below are the videos that recorded a hands-on demo of the game. The gameplay looks exactly like the console versions, if not even better I would say. Check it out!
Here are some of the screenshots from the game:
And here are the gameplay videos from Inven of the demos:
As we can see, the game is voiced over with Japanese voice actors however the texts are in Korean. We do not know if the end product will stay this way but I wouldn’t mind. It still looks beautiful and authentic as ever. The game is planned to be released this year. From the gameplay demos they seemed to be complete. With this good news, we can expect it to be launched soon.
Source & Credits: 2P