In a significant milestone for anime merchandise retail, the EVANGELION STORE is marking its entry into its 20th anniversary year, launching a special collection of exclusive items and a commemorative fair. The official online store, which began operations on December 15, 2004, has announced a range of limited-edition merchandise featuring newly illustrated artwork of fan-favorite characters.
The anniversary collection showcases fresh illustrations of iconic characters Shinji, Rei, Asuka, Mari, and Kaworu, available exclusively through the store. The special merchandise line includes button badges, clear files, and postcard sets, each incorporating the exclusive anniversary artwork and a specially designed 20th-anniversary logo.
Alongside the merchandise launch, the store has initiated the “EVANGELION STORE 20th ANNIVERSARY Fair,” offering special rewards for customers. Those spending 3,000 JPY or more will receive a commemorative 20th Anniversary Towel, available from December 15, 2024. Additionally, customers spending over 15,000 JPY can claim an exclusive five-card set, beginning December 27, 2024. Both promotional items will be available while supplies last.
The EVANGELION STORE has established itself as the premier destination for EVANGELION merchandise, offering an extensive range of products from collectible figures to everyday items. The store maintains its commitment to fans through monthly releases of original items, continuing to expand its collection of officially licensed merchandise.
For fans interested in participating in the anniversary celebrations, purchases can be made through the official website, following the purchasing instructions displayed in the site’s popup menu. This celebration represents a significant moment for the EVANGELION franchise’s enduring legacy in anime merchandising.