The highly beloved and long-time favourite series of the anime community, One Piece is slated to take a long six-month hiatus from airing newer episodes, as the Straw Hat Pirates crew temporarily “lowering their sails” from the TV screen.
In a surprising announcement during the live event “One Piece News #1,” Toei Animation confirmed that the currently running Egghead Arc of the anime will not return until April next year. This decision was made with the intention to allow the animators time to “refresh themselves,” a move that many fans understand, given how long the series had been going at releasing new episodes every week for decades without stopping.
Although the Egghead Arc will be put on hold, fans won’t be missing out completely on One Piece as Toei Animation has prepared something special in the form of a remastered version of One Piece’s Fish-Man Island Saga and the One Piece Fan Letter Special which is a special 25th anniversary episode, airing on October 20 in Japan.
The special episode, directed by Megumi Ishitani, adapts a story from the spin-off novel One Piece Novel: Straw Hat Stories, written by Tomohito Ohsaki. It will explore how outsiders view the Straw Hat Pirates and how each member of the crew has made a significant impact on the world through their adventures. This special episode will feature characters such as Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Franky, offering a fresh perspective on their journey.
In addition to the Fan Letter Special, Toei Animation will also present a remastered version of the Fish-Man Island Arc, one of the fans’ favorite stories. Known as One Piece Log: Fish-Man Island Saga, the remaster will begin airing on October 27. The original version of the Fish-Man Island story spanned 58 episodes, but the new version will be condensed into just 21 episodes, offering a more streamlined and compact experience with updated visuals.
『ONE PIECE』 魚人島編❶最新技術で全話再撮!
— ONE PIECE スタッフ【公式】/ Official (@Eiichiro_Staff) October 13, 2024
Additionally, One Piece producer Takeshi Koike states that this version is not just a compilation but a complete rework, with changes to character visuals, thicker lines, enhanced lighting, and Dolby Atmos-quality audio. The Fish-Man Island Saga will also introduce a new opening and ending theme. The opening song, titled “We go! ~Straw Hat Pirates ver.”, will be performed by the voice cast of the Straw Hat Pirates, while the ending song, titled “Sailing”, will be performed by the band BE:FIRST.