In a groundbreaking development for Pokémon enthusiasts in Southeast Asia, Malaysia will host the region’s first Pokémon Gym Deluxe. The official announcement from Pokémon Malaysia reveals that this innovative concept will be launched in collaboration with AM Cards Collectibles in Klang, Selangor.
The new establishment, set to open its doors from October 11-13, 2024, promises to elevate the traditional Pokémon retail experience. Located in Bandar Botanik, Klang, this Gym Deluxe aims to create an immersive environment that goes beyond the conventional store format. Unlike standard Pokémon retail outlets, the Gym Deluxe will serve as a community hub for Pokémon enthusiasts. The facility will accommodate various activities, including trading and battling, while providing a space for fans to gather and engage with fellow trainers.
The initiative appears to focus on community building, welcoming both newcomers and experienced trainers alike. This inclusive approach suggests that the Gym Deluxe concept could represent a new direction for Pokémon’s retail strategy in the region. The store will open at NO 32A, 1, Jalan Ramin 3, Bandar Botanik, 41200 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia. Pokémon Malaysia will reveal further details about specific features and amenities of the Gym Deluxe closer to the opening date.
This development marks a significant milestone for Malaysia’s Pokémon community and could potentially pave the way for similar establishments across Southeast Asia.