Following the announcement that a sequel to the 2023 Super Mario Bros Movie with Chris Pratt’s impeccable voice is in the works, its release date in Japan has been confirmed.
宮本です。今晩はNintendo Directの放送がありますが、その前にひとつお知らせをさせてください。
スーパーマリオの新たなアニメ映画の日本での公開日が2026年4月24日に決まりました。楽しい映画になるように、イルミネーションのチームと一緒に取り組んでいますので、引き続き楽しみにしてください。— 任天堂株式会社 (@Nintendo) June 18, 2024
In typical Nintendo fashion, Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto announced the release date via a simple X post.
“Hello, this is Miyamoto. We will be broadcasting a Nintendo Direct tonight, but before that, I would like to make an announcement,” announced Miyamoto. “The release date for the new Super Mario animated movie in Japan has been set for April 24, 2026. We are working with the Illumination team to make it a fun movie, so please continue to look forward to it.”
The announcement was made following a notice that a Nintendo Direct broadcast would go live on the same day at 10 a.m. ET.
In the announcement, Nintendo emphasized once again that it will be focusing on new Nintendo Switch games and there will be no news for the recently announced successor to the handheld console.
Previously, it was announced that the sequel to Super Mario Bros Movie is set for release on April 3, 2026.
Chris Meledandri, Founder and CEO of Illumination, and Shigeru Miyamoto, Representative Director and Fellow of Nintendo, will once again be producing the movie.
The Super Mario Bros Movie was released in 2023 and stars an ensemble voice cast that includes Chris Pratt, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Day, Jack Black, and many more big names in Hollywood.
In our 7/10 review, we said “Super Mario Bros the movie is a fun time.”