The Monster Hunter series has been a really engaging franchise, players (aka hunters) usually spend days and weeks hunting down monsters to craft their favorite outfits or equipment. Most of the hunters have grown to become an experienced one but since Monster Hunter: World has made some changes to the game mechanics, we have prepared some useful tips for the veteran hunters!
Bring some flash bombs around
Flash pod (aka flash bomb) are useful against flying monsters such as Rathalos, Legiana or Kushala Daora (elder dragon). Using a flash bomb on them at a suitable timing make them blind and fall down so you can kill them easily. Combining item is now less complicated, previous Monster Hunter titles require 2 items (bomb casing and flash bug) to craft a flash bomb, now you only need 1 flash bug for a flash bomb.
You can sprint while drinking potions or eating
Pick up dung whenever it is available
Eat before you hunt
Always get yourself ready (or make yourself fat) by eating some food at the camp or cat chef. Be sure that your stamina and health are at the cap (150) before you start your hunt. Get yourself a Felyne Insurance too if you want to be safer.
Use Specialized Tools wisely
Certain specialized tools are really useful that could even save your life more than once. Some examples are Health Booster that restores your health or Rocksteady Mantle that reduces the damage you take. Remember to use them often!
Join the Hunt instead of creating one yourself