Digimon: Digital Monsters, also known by its Japanese name, Digimon Adventure will be getting a blu ray release outside Japan from Discotek Media. The blu ray sets will be released later this year.
Discotek has announced that they will release both an English dub version and an original uncut Japanese dub version sometime afterward.
Alongside this announcement, Discotek has also posted several videos on their Twitter account showing the newly restored blu ray footage of Digimon to the original SD version.
They noted that the original English broadcast by Saban Entertainment actually used lower video quality footage and that for the blu ray, they replaced this footage with the best quality video footage they could find from Japan. Needless to say, you can see the difference with their blu ray version looking far sharper.
Another clip.
A number of episodes of the English dub had worse video quality, going back to their original broadcast.
We’ve replaced the footage in those episodes with the best available SD Digimon footage from Japan, and then @astro_res upscaled those along with the rest. pic.twitter.com/IarzIRyIpX
— 💿Discotek Media (@discotekmedia) March 15, 2022
They have also shown concept art for the disk designs based on each partner Digimon’s eye, similar to the Japanese blu ray release.
The Digimon: Digital Monsters blu ray versions will be released later in 2022 with the English dub version coming first and the uncut Japanese version coming later.