Pokemon Legends: Arceus has arrived and as you scour the land of Hisui, you’re probably wondering what items you’ll need for your favorite Pokemon’s evolution. Certain pokemon require specific items to get to the next form.
Of course, most pokemon in this game can be caught in the wild but if you’re not up for taking on an alpha twenty levels higher than you, it may be easier to evolve a pokemon you may already have.
Conveniently most evolution items can generally be acquired from the same places, space-time distortions, Jubilife Village Stores, rare finds on the overworld, being dropped by certain pokemon as well as given as rewards for side missions.
Here’s how you find these evolution items in Pokemon Legends Arceus.
Ore Deposits/leaf or snow piles:
You know those crystals that you see across the various areas you visit. Those are called ore deposits. Hitting them with pokemon drops items and there’s a chance that they’ll even drop some evolution stones. In certain areas, you can find leaf or snow piles that function in the same way.
Evolution stones that you can find this way are the dawn stone, dusk stone, fire stone, thunder stone, Water stone, leaf stone, and ice stone.
Space-time distortions:
Across Hisui’s vast regions, you may stumble across a dome purple energy known as a space-time distortion. Inside these areas are tougher pokemon however you can also find rare evolution items. These can be found either on the floor of the distortion or carried by specific pokemon.
Simona’s Store in Jubilife:
In Jubilife Village just left of Galaxy HQ is a stall run by a woman named Simona. Simona allows you to trade pokemon with other players however she will also sell you evolution items for ‘merit points’. Merit points can be earned by finding satchels that have been lost on the overworld. Each lost satchel should be marked on your map so they’re pretty easy to track down.
Ginter Specials in Jubilife:
There’s also a possibility to get evolution items from Ginkgo Guild Merchant Ginter’s Specials. He will offer different items for a high price. These include evolution items. His special item will change after you catch 20 pokemon.
The ride pokemon Ursaluna specializes in finding items. Just start riding on them and follow where the trail leads. There’s a rare chance it will dig up an evolution item however it is very randomized so this is the method we’d recommend the least for finding evolution items.
Some evolution items in Pokemon Legends are also available through other means. Here is a quick look at each evolution item, which pokemon they can evolve, and more specific places you can get them.
Fire Stone
Eevee > Flareon
Growlithe > Arcanine
Vulpix > Nintetales
Location: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, Red Orb Deposits, Space-Time Distortions, A possible reward choice for completing request 52 ‘Eevee’s Evolution’.
Water Stone
Eevee > Vapoureon
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, Blue Ore Deposit, Spacetime Distortions, A possible reward choice for completing request 52 ‘Eevee’s Evolution’.
Thunder Stone
Eevee > Jolteon
Pikachu > Raichu
Magneton > Magnezone
Nosepass > Probopass
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, Grey Ore Deposits, Spacetime Distortions, A possible reward choice for completing request 52 ‘Eevee’s Evolution’.
Leaf Stone
Eevee > Leafeon
Voltorb > Electrode
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, leaf piles in the Crimson Mirelands and Cobalt Coastlands, space-time distortion, a reward for completing request 73 ‘which is the real Burmy’.
Ice Stone
Eevee > Glaceon
Alolan Vulpix > Alolan Ninetales
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, Snow Piles in Alabaster Icelands, a reward from Wanda after completing request 86 ‘Gone Astray…in the Icelands’.
Moon Stone
Clefairy > Clefable
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions, Ursaluna find, can be found in fabled spring on a full moon after completing Request 67 ‘Clefairy’s Moonlit Dance’.
Sun Stone
Petilil > Lilligant
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions, Ursaluna find, a reward for request 85 ‘Home Under the Eaves’.
Shiny Stone
Roselia > Roserade
Togetic > Togekiss
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions, a reward for request 74 ‘A bit of help from Blissey’.
Dusk Stone
Murkrow > Honchcrow
Misdreavus > Mismagius
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions, red and grey ore deposits, a reward from Vessa for collecting 30 wisps.
Dawn Stone:
Snorunt > Froslass
Kirlia > Gallade
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions, red and blue ore deposits, a reward for completing request 82 ‘Traces of a Lost Village’.
Linking Cord
Kadabra > Alakazam
Haunter > Gengar
Machoke > Machamp
Graveler > Golem
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions, a reward for request 64 ‘Getting to know ghosts’, a reward from Vessa for collecting 50 wisps.
Black Augerite
Scyther > Kleavor
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions, Ursaluna find, Dropped by Wild Graveler, a reward for request 68 ‘A Nosepass to Guide The Way’.
Metal Coat
Scyther > Scizor
Onix > Steelix
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions, dropped by Scizor, Magnamite, Magneton, Magnezone.
Rhydon > Rhyperior
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions,
Porygon > Porygon2
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions,
Dubious Disk
Porygon2 > Poryzon-Z
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions,
Reaper Cloth
Dusclops > Dusknoir
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions, dropped by Duskull, and Dusclops, Reward from Vessa for collecting 70 wisps.
Magmar > Magmotar
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions,
Electabuzz > Electivire
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions,
Razor Claw
Sneasel > Sneasler (in the day)
Sneasel > Weavile (at night)
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions, Dropped by Sneasel, Sneasler, and Weavile.
Razor Fang
Gligar > Gliscor
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, space-time distortions, dropped by Gligar.
Peat Block
Ursaring > Ursaluna (during a full moon)
Locations: Ursaluna Find, Can be found using Ursaluna in the sand at Ginkgo Landing. A reward for completing request 86 ‘Gone Astray…in the Icelands’
Oval Stone
Happiny > Chansey
Locations: Simona Store, Ginter Specials, dropped Happiny and Chansey, a reward from Vessa for collecting 5 wisps
Hopefully, this will give you some idea of where to get each evolution item you’ll need for your journey through Pokemon Legends Arceus. Which Pokemon are you planning to have on your final team?
Pokemon Legends: Arceus is available for Nintendo Switch. Check out our review of the game for more information.